Pattern: Scatter-Gather

Pattern: Scatter-Gather

How do you maintain the overall message flow when a message needs to be sent to multiple recipients, each of which may send a reply?

Use a Scatter-Gather that broadcasts a message to multiple recipients and re-aggregates the
responses back into a single message.
The Scatter-Gather routes a request message to the a number of recipients. It then uses an Aggregator to collect the responses and distill them into a single response message.
There are two variants of the Scatter-Gather that use different mechanisms to send the request messages to the intended recipients:
  • Distribution via a Recipient List allows the Scatter-Gather to control the list of recipients but requires the Scatter-Gather to be aware of each recipient’s message channel.
  • Auction-style Scatter-Gathers use a Publish-Subscribe Channel to broadcast the request to any interested participant. This option allows the Scatter-Gather to use a single channel but at the same time relinquishes control.

Example: Combining Patterns
We can now use the Scatter-Gather to implement the widget and gadget order processing example. We can combine the Scatter-Gather with the Composed Message Processor to process each incoming
order, sequence it into individual items, then pass each item up for a bid, then aggregate the bids
for each item into a combined bid response, and lastly aggregate all bid responses into a complete
quote. This is a very real example how multiple integration patterns can be combined into a
complete solution. The composition of individual patterns into larger patterns allows us to
discuss the solution at a higher level of abstraction. It also allows us to modify details of the
implementation without affecting other components.

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